
Youcancreateacontrolthatenablesyoutosplitaformintodifferenttabbedpages.Tabsenableyoutousemultiplecontrolsonasingleform.Youcangroup ...,2005年1月7日—HiBerndt,.Sofar,Icanonlygetthearrayoftabpages,notthearrayofcontrols(eg.dw)ineachtabpage.Idon'tthinkthattabpagehas ...,2016年6月16日—Hi.Myprogramhasatabcontrol.Ineachtab,Ihaveaneventstructureforcontrolingsomeevents.Ihaveencounteredwithsomeproblems.,...

32 Understanding Tab and Tab Page Controls

You can create a control that enables you to split a form into different tabbed pages. Tabs enable you to use multiple controls on a single form. You can group ...

list of controls in a tab control

2005年1月7日 — Hi Berndt,. So far, I can only get the array of tabpages, not the array of controls (eg. dw) in each tabpage. I don't think that tabpage has ...

problem with tab control and event structure

2016年6月16日 — Hi. My program has a tab control. In each tab, I have an event structure for controling some events. I have encountered with some problems.

Refer to tab control objects in VBA

2022年2月7日 — Each page in a tab control is referenced as a member of the tab control's Pages collection. Each page in the Pages collection can be referred ...

TabControl with the same controls on each tab

2012年8月26日 — I would do it like this (The code is for a WPF solution, have overlooed the WinForm-Tag. But should work similar.): MyTabItem.xaml.cs

Tabs Pattern | APG

Tabs are a set of layered sections of content, known as tab panels, that display one panel of content at a time. Each tab panel has an associated tab element, ...

The Tab of a Tab Page

This space is referred to as padding. To support this, the TabControl class is equipped with a property named Padding. The Padding property is of type Point.

Understanding Tab and Tab Page Controls

You can create a control that enables you to split a form into different tabbed pages. Tabs enable you to use multiple controls on a single form. You can group ...